Through its Clean Water Foundation, GF fulfills its role as a good corporate citizen in line with its vision to be a sustainability and innovation leader providing superior customer value.

GF Walk for Water 2024: Empowering communities worldwide

For the third consecutive year, GF will hold Walk for Water, a global initiative across divisions and locations to support universal access to safe water.

Imagine walking kilometers each day just to fetch water—this is the reality for many people, especially women and children around the world, with an estimated two billion people in total lacking access to this vital resource.

Together with employees and partners, GF is organizing this annual fundraising event in which participants commit to walking a distance of two kilometers while carrying a bucket of water, symbolizing the daily struggle faced by millions. Through this activity, they raise awareness and funding that support humanitarian projects aimed at providing water infrastructure, sanitation projects and financial aid in developing nations and disaster-stricken areas.

In 2023, the GF Walk for Water raised USD 525,000, propelling humanitarian projects supported by the GF Water Foundation — formerly Clean Water Foundation. This has given disadvantaged communities worldwide the tools to enhance water security and resource management, striving for sustainable improvements that benefit the communities long-term.

Stay tuned for the upcoming dates of this year's event across GF locations, as we continue to make waves in the battle for water rights.

Join us in the GF Walk for Water 2024!

To learn more: 

Published: 21 March 2024